Memahami Makna Ibadah: Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Spiritual Jemaat Melalui Metode Pemuridan di GKSI Agape Bajong


  • Sefrid Selan Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar Jakarta



Discipleship, GKSI Agape Bajong, Worship


orship is at the core of the Christian spiritual life, not only as an act of reverence to God but also as a means to deepen one's spiritual relationship with Him. However, in reality, many congregants experience a decline in interest and consistency in worship. This phenomenon is also observed at GKSI Agape Bajong, where, despite the church's growth, the understanding of the true meaning of worship still needs to be improved. One approach to address this issue is through the discipleship method. Through discipleship, the church can help the congregation gain a deeper understanding of worship and awaken their spiritual awareness. This approach emphasizes the deepening of faith and personal transformation based on the example of Christ. This study aims to explain how the discipleship method can be applied at GKSI Agape Bajong as an effort to cultivate the spiritual awareness of the congregation and enhance their participation in worship.


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How to Cite

Sefrid Selan. (2025). Memahami Makna Ibadah: Menumbuhkan Kesadaran Spiritual Jemaat Melalui Metode Pemuridan di GKSI Agape Bajong. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 4(1), 22–31.