Providensi Allah Terhadap Umat Pilihan


  • Deni Nurniat Gulo Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta
  • Oren Siregar Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Arastamar (SETIA) Jakarta



Providence, God, God’s chosen people


Maintenance, namely God’s continuous action to strive for the preservation of the existence of His creation. Maintenance is very important for the attitude of Christian life, meaning that people who bealive in God are able to live in certainty where God is present and active in the lives of believers. Where when God’s maintenance occurs, there is no doubt, indecision in living life because believers live in God’s definite maintenance. Maintenance is also an action that occurs continuously from divine power in which the creator protects all of His creatures.


Herman Bavinck. Dogmatika Reformed. Surabaya: Momentum Christian Literature, 2012.

Louis Berkhof. Teologi Sistematika Doktrin Allah. jakarta: Lenbaga reformed injili Indonesia, 1993.

Teologi Sistematika Doktrin Allah. jakarta: Lenbaga reformed injili Indonesia, 1993.

Millard J. Erickson. Teologi Kristen. Malang: Gandum Mas, 2004.

Teologi Kristen. Malang: Gandum Mas, 2004.

Miza Nina Adlini, Anisa Hanifa Dinda, Sarah Yulinda, Octavia Chotimah, Sauda Julia Merliyana. “Metode Penelitian Kualitatif Studi Pustaka.” Pendidikan Vol.6-No (2022): 2.




How to Cite

Deni Nurniat Gulo, & Oren Siregar. (2023). Providensi Allah Terhadap Umat Pilihan. Jurnal Teologi Injili Dan Pendidikan Agama, 1(3), 153–159.