Menggunakan Karunia Rohani Sebagai Bentuk Membangun Iman Jemaat Analisa Teks (1 Korintus 14:26-40)
1 Corinthians, Bounty, Church FaithAbstract
Encouraged by the motivation of serving His congregation in Corinth, through the Apostle Paul, God’s servant who was entrusted with establishing, guiding, and advising God’s people there in God’s word which reads :
“Though I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and have all knowledge; and though I have faith perfect to move mountains, yet I have no love, I am utterly useless” (TB 1 Cor 13:2).
So, with the motivation because I love God's congregation, who have mistaken the spiritual gifts that God has bestowed or have wrong perceptions, I wrote a paper with the title "Using spiritual gifts as a form of building congregations", so that we all know that the gifts that are God gives is to have noble intentions and goals.
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