Pandangan Alkitabiah Terhadapa Penderitaan Dalam Konteks Indonesia
Biblical suffering, context, IndonesianAbstract
In the beginning God created humans and hoped that humans could reflect life as God's glorious creation, that is, in the image and similarity of God. For Irenius, the image of God meant “Human nature as a rational and free being. In connection with the term "image and likeness to God," Lempp writes that: "Man is the goal and crown of all creatures, outwardly and inwardly created by God, according to God, of the same character, talent, character, character with God, and all are imitated according to the original. .”
Anthony A. Hoekema, Manusia Ciptaan Menurut Gambar Allah, (Surabaya: Momentum, 2003), 45
Louis Berkhof, Theologia Sistematika, Dogtrin Manusia Vol. 2, (Jakarta: Lembaga Reformed Indonesia, 1995),45
Walter Lempp, Tafsiran Alkitab Kejadian 1:1-4:26, (Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 1987), 36-40
Hoekema, Manusia: Ciptaan Menurut Gambar Allah, 16
Harun Hadiwijono, Iman Kristen, (Jakarta: Gunung Mulia, 2000), 244
Frank Michaeli, Bagaimana Memahami Perjanjian Lama, (Bandung: Kalam Hidup, 1972), 8-9
Charles F. Pfeiffer & Everett F. Harrison, Tafsiran Alkitab Wyeliffe Vol I, (Malang: Penerbit Gandum Mas, 2004), 41
Theodore H. Epp. Mengapa Orang-orang Kristen Menderita, (Jakarta: Mimery Press, 1991), 25
Theodore H. Epp. Mengapa Orang-orang Kristen Menderita, 29
Jimmi B. Oentoro, Kota Pujian, (Jakarta: Harvest Publication House, 1997), 92-93
Oentoro, Kota Pujian, 95
Ir. Herlianto, Teologi Sukses, (Jakarta: BPK Gunung Mulia, 1996), 1
Rebecca Brown, M. D, Kutuk yang Belum Dipatahkan, (Unbroken Curses, 2007), 1
Jacob Nahuway, Ketika Hidup Tak Seperti Biasanya, (Jakarta: Surya Grafika, 2003), 1-4
Jan Hendrik Rapar, Pengantar Filsafat, (Yogyakarta: Kanasius, 1996), 127
Paul E Little, Akal dan Kekristenan, (Bandung: Yayasan Kalam Hidup, 1967), 101
Linda Smith & William Raeper, Ide-ide, (Yogyakarta: Kanasius, 2000), 127
Mangapul Sagala, Mengapa Ada Penderitaan, (Jakarta: Perkantas, 2011), 64
Sagala, Mengapa Ada Penderitaan, 65-66
Creflo A. Dollar Jr, Memahami Jawabban Tuhan Atas Persoalan Rasisme Pemisahan Dan Perpecahan, (Jakarta: Yayasan Pengabaran Injil, 2001), 163-170
Hannah Whitall Smith, Rahasia Kehidupan Kristen Yang Bahagia, (Bandung: Kalam Hidup, 1994), 100
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